Stop. Human. Trafficking.
We… Build Partnerships, Foster Collaborations, Find Resources, Provide Education & Outreach
In Palm Beach County, during 2023, there were 93 reports of the trafficking of minors, 77 of which were reports of commercial sexual exploitation of children, and 16 were reports of labor trafficking of children.
*Data from Florida Department of Children and Families
CHILD TRAFFICKING reports in Palm Beach County
Since 2007, the National Human Trafficking Hotline reports
5,384 cases of human trafficking in Florida,
which involved as many as 7,214 victims.
HTCPB Community Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month from 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. on Zoom. Each month a featured speaker will share more about human trafficking. HTCPB General Meetings are a great way to continue to grow your understanding of this ever-changing issue, and stay connected with stakeholders and passionate community members surrounding this issue.
· Human Trafficking & Our Community
· Human Trafficking Training for Hospitality Staff
· Human Trafficking in the Healthcare Setting
· Human Trafficking Education for Dental Professionals
· Professional Settings Presentation
· “Now I Know” for Middle and High School Students
· Online Safety
· A Look at Illicit Massage Businesses
· Familial Human Trafficking
· Human Trafficking of People with Disabilities
The purpose of the HTCPB Survivor Support Fund is to assist eligible human trafficking survivors in need of financial assistance for services or items unable to be covered by Victims’ Compensation funds or other service provider funds. Requestor must be an agency participant of HTCPB and in good standing. Human trafficking Survivors applying for distribution of funds can apply through us below.