
Major Leisa Hall and her husband Chip have been officers in The Salvation Army for 40 years, and they have served in various cities in Florida, on the faculty of the Evangeline Booth College in Atlanta, various Divisional Headquarters appointments across the southern United States, and most recently served as Area Commanders for the National Capital Area (Washington, DC), prior to being appointed to Palm Beach County, FL. The Halls have been featured speakers at events throughout the U.S. and have a passion for helping others reach their potential through the power of faith in God.

Leisa has a Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She has a passion for victims of Human Trafficking and has opened three safe houses around the country. She received a special recognition from the Oklahoma Human Trafficking Task Force for her advocacy work.

They have two daughters, one son, a daughter-in-law, and two precious grand-babies. They enjoy travel, music and scuba diving…and, even riding a Spyder motorcycle!


Manisha Singhal


Vikki Delgado